Brow Blading Information
Microblading. also first known as eyebrow embroidery, brow feathering, is a semi-permanent makeup procedure that allows you to dramatically correct or fully reconstruct lost eyebrow. It was first introduced in Asia, Siberia, UK. Eyebrow Microblading is performed by manually depositing tattoo ink pigment in the basal layer of the epidermis by a special pen with a disposable tip. It does not involve the use of a machine. Unlike permanent makeup brow treatments, Microblading techniques involve drawing individual, crisp hair strokes that are more natural looking than tattooing, brow pencils or powder blading. The blade of the pen contains numerous pins that are 3 times thinner than the needles used for tattooing- that's how to get the strokes to look like hair. Technicians usually use a numbing solution to limit discomfort.
Frequently Asked Questions
Brow Blading
😷 Treatment: Brow Blading
🎯 Purpose: Add shape & volume to brows
👓 How it works: advanced brow embroidery technique whereby a superfine row of needles is used to create thin, hair-like marks on the skin, then ink is applied to the marks.
✏ Note: Little to nodown time
📞Phone: 715.781.0248
📬 Email: Email through website
🌍 Website:
📍 Location: 512 3nd St Hudson, WI
👏 Technique: Microblading / Feathering
😴 Skin Numbing: 45-1hour min if needed. Otherwise GIRL POWER
⏰Time it takes: With Numbing- 2 hours
All natural up to- 1 hour
Consultation is same day, prior to treatment
📆Recovery: Little to no redness
👍Lasts: Up to 2 years.
We do offer touch ups...see below
💣Caution: Must be performed by an experienced provider
😱Pain level: Varies for each person: mild to mod
💵Average Cost: $550 comes with a touch up after a month.
💳Deposit: $100 to hold
First Treatment- $550 (includes a touch up at a month)
2nd Treatment- FREE Touch up after a month!
Because you are modeling our work on a daily we want you to keep your brows perfect, that is why we came up with this plan. Instead of in two years when another full session is needed at $450 again, why not keep them perfect every 3 months for $75. So here is our touch up plan!
1 month= $50
3 month= $75
6 months= $150
9 months= $225
12 month = $300
18 = $350
24= Back up to $450
Get it?! So if you touch up your eyebrows every 6 months its $150, every 6 months!!
So keep your brows fresh every 6 months! We want them to always look perfect!
What is Microblading?
Microblading eyebrows is a form of permanent makeup that creates natural, beautiful eyebrows with a handheld microblade. It’s perfect for people who have overplucked or those who want to define, darken or reshape their eyebrows.
Microblading originated in Asia over 20 years ago and has gone by many names: eyebrow embroidery, feather touch, microstroking and even “the Japanese Method." By 2015, microblading became popular in the United States.
Technically, microblading is a form of eyebrow tattooing. But unlike traditional tattooing, which uses a machine, microblading artists apply each hairstroke with a handheld microblade. This produces a very fine line that resembles real hair. Each individual hairstroke is hand drawn by the artist and blended in with the client’s existing eyebrow hair. With a strong artist at the helm, the results are gorgeous and very lifelike.
Microblading typically takes two appointments to complete. In the first appointment, the client is profiled and the eyebrows are drawn on with a brow blade pencil, so Brooke and the client can agree on the look. Brooke will then microblade the eyebrows and the client is ready to go back into the world. There is some little to mild scabbing and aftercare required, but your microblading should be completely healed in a one month.
The second appointment is a touch up at least a month after the first session. This allows enough time for the ink in the epidermis to naturally slough off, and the color to settle into your skin. In the touch up appointment, Brooke can see how your skin has received the ink and make any necessary corrections.
Sometimes a client’s skin undertones may have unexpected effects on the ink's color, and Brooke may need to add color to adjust. These kind of corrections are normal with any microblading artist and an essential part of the process, as everyone’s skin is different and receives ink differently.
What to Expect At Your Microblading Appointment
A typical microblading appointment lasts UP TO 2 hours, depending on the work needing to be done, since every brow is different, also depending on if you numb or not. A touch up appointment lasts anywhere from 15 minutes to more, depending on the amount of work that needs touching up.
A standard appointment will have the following steps:
Profile the client. First the microblading artist, Brooke, will assess the client’s lifestyle and taste in eyebrows. Do they want something bold or natural? Do they wear makeup everyday or just special occasions? What face shape does the client have? Do you keep the same color hair? Do you change your hair? This interview will help the artist create the best brows for their client.
Draw on the eyebrows. Next Brooke will draw the eyebrows directly on the client’s face with a eyebrow pencil. This will be the artist’s guide for the microblading procedure. This also allows the client to see the final look before any permanent work is performed. Nothing is performed until the client loves & approves!!!
Microblading. Now the artist begins microblading, according to the drawing they’ve agreed upon with the client.
Remove the excess ink. Once the microblading is finished, there is lots of extra ink remaining on the client’s face. The artist wipes it off with a green soap (tattoo soap) wipe and the client can see their new eyebrows! Little to now redness will occur , the client will be ready to go back out in public, no problem.
Photography. We LOVE to put our work up, for everyone too see, if you allow!
Microblading vs. Eyebrow Tattooing
We hear people sometimes refer to microblading as eyebrow tattooing, which is technically true but not 100% accurate.
Technically, microblading is eyebrow tattooing, but microblading is not like any eyebrow tattoo.
Let’s talk about the key differences.
1. Microblading artists hand draw each line. Eyebrow tattooing uses a machine.
This makes a big difference. Microblading features very fine lines and when applied by a skilled artist, those lines do not “bleed out” over time. Not true of traditional eyebrow tattooing. Eyebrow tattooing is usually done by a machine, with much greater injury to the skin. The lines created are not as fine and over time begin to bleed out. If you’ve ever seen someone tattoo handwriting on their skin, only to see the writing get thicker over the years, then you know the effect.
2. Microblading usually doesn’t last as long.
The fine lines of microblading typically fade over time. For most, they fade over 2 years. In truth, with microblading, there is a lot less ink deposited under the skin in fine lines. In the dermis, where the ink is placed, this ink is moved around over time. When there is a lot of ink, like in traditional tattooing, the tattoo remains very much permanent. With microblading, the ink often fades and disappears, depending on the skin type. Which then as you age and want to edit the Brow Blading, or change your brows its much easier with Brow Blading!!!
3. Inks maintain their color.
Microblading uses a different kind of ink that maintains its original hue over time. Many tattooing clients report that their tattoos turn blue or brown over time. With microblading, however, colors tend to get lighter, rather than changing hue.
4. Microblading is less painful.
Microblading artists use a topical anesthetic, which numbs clients of most of the pain. In fact, many clients report little or no pain. Some people fear traditional tattoos on certain parts of their body because of the pain, but this is typically not a inhibiting factor for microblading clients.
5. Results from microblading are more natural than traditional eyebrow tattoos.
Again, each hairstroke is hand drawn in microblading. To the naked eye, these individual hairstrokes blend right in with a clients' real hair. While eyebrow tattoos may look more like traditional permanent makeup, microblading looks more like natural eyebrow hair.
6. Microblading artists are not necessarily tattoo artists and vice versa!
Microblading and tattooing each take specific training and are not linked! Microblading artists do not learn how to tattoo during their training and likewise, most tattoo artists never learn the skills necessary to become a microblading artist. For the noted differences, tattooing and microblading are each separate artforms that take their own time and training to master. In the state of WI, Brooke Fleetwood, does hold a tattoo license.
YES YES YES! We can blade over a tattoo to create hair like strokes right over the tattoo; to add more definition or to even camouflage the tattoo itself.
Pre-Appointment Restrictions
The following restrictions are to ensure your skin is in the best possible condition for an amazing microblading procedure. Please read carefully:
Please do not work out the day of the procedure as the body heat will expands the pores.
Avoid heavy sunlight- if you do your skin is more sensitive
Do NOT drink coffee or anything with caffeine the day of procedure- we dont want your moving all over ;)
Do NOT take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen, omega-3, unless medically necessary, 48-72 hours prior to the procedure. (Tylenol or acetaminophen is okay!)- Otherwise you may bleed everywhere.
Do NOT drink alcohol 24 hours before the procedure. - Yep thats a blood thinner too!
If you have any questions about these restrictions, please give us a call! We're happy to help.
Who Should Avoid Microblading?
While microblading is great for most people, there are some people who are ineligible for microblading:
Those prone to keloids or post-inflammatory hypopigmentation. Unfortunately, since microblading punctures the skin as we add ink, we cannot work with clients with these conditions.
If you have a transmittable blood disease such as HIV or Hepatitis. Again, microblading artists cut the skin so it is our policy not to work with these conditions.
Patients undergoing chemotherapy. Although microblading is great for restoring eyebrows, we would require a doctor’s note in order to perform the procedure for anyone undergoing chemotherapy.
If you have any kind of skin condition on or near your eyebrows. This includes eczema, shingles, rashes, or anything else near eyebrows.
Children. Microblading is for adults only! We do not recommend microblading for anyone under the age of 18. It is our policy at BB not to work with children, even with a consent form.